Wednesday, February 17, 2010

365 Photo Challenge

So, I went to the library today to finish up some work. We've had too many snow days, so it's obvious that teachers would pile everything on us, expecting us to finish it as if we have no lives. So, I was at the library for about 3 hours, and I have a friend that volunteers there and so I met up with her. It was quite funny, actually, because she was avoiding work and she was trying to disguise herself as if she were another person. And here's a picture of my gross bio work.

It was hard squishing all my words onto that piece of paper, but I somehow managed. Anyways, I made a pinky promise that I would start my '365 Photo day Challenge' and so here is my first picture! It was of the library lamp, well because I really had nothing else to take a picture of. I think it looks quite majestic, it could have been photographed better, but then again...I don't have a cool DSLR. But hopefully it turned out alright. And I get my lomo film developed tomorrow! Woot Woot!
Well, Ima skaddle now because I'm going to webcam with friends again for another 3 hours probably. So I'll probably sleep around 1 am...AGAIN.
Goodnight, world!

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