Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh, that snow. Part dos

Today, we got a snow day so school was cancelled! It was exciting, but after a while I got really bored and such. But today, we also got another call saying that we are not going to school tomorrow either. Can you say '4-day weekend'? I'm happy and all, but I'm not entirely sure why we're getting out tomorrow. Tommorrow isn't supposed to snow till 6 PM, but whatevs. Just another reason to get out of school! I'm so energetic, but I'm sick. It's kind of gross because I'm coughing and I have boogers in my throat so the coughing is like...grostque. So, I was pretty much not going to going to school tomorrow, but since it's already canceled it has no effect on me.

Anyways, I'm oovoo-ing with my friend. It's a webcamming thing and stuff. We did it all last semester on school nights with like 4 other people and stay up all night doing our schoolwork and such. It's such a bad habit because I can't do my work whenever we are webcamming, so yeah. But, I'll probably start webcamming again like last semester except on exams and big tests. I need to really focus!

So, snow has finally come! But it's not even an inch of snow. That's one reason why I like living near the south area because when snow falls down and stays on the ground, we are immediately out of school. Doesn't even matter how much snow we get. But the thing is, is that we don't get a lot of snow days. Maybe an average of 2 or 3 days of snow days. But it's better than nothing.

Anyways, the weather has been being really weird around the world. Like, down south has been getting really cold, I heard. My friend during our spanish class, he was looking up weathers, randomly, on his phone. I'm not entirely sure why, but it might be because we can get away with anything in our spanish class. But I wonder why the world is acting up like this. Maybe we might get more snow days? :)

Anyways, I'm going to go now to finish webcamming and such!


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